About me
Oyuntugs Batbaatar
I have always sought to contribute to society by working in sectors that bring positive impacts. One of the fields that unites various aspects of environmental protection, human safety, and modern issues like information security, food safety, urban safety, and labor safety is the “Environment, Society, and Governance” (ESG) science. Just as a human body is complete with its head, arms, and legs, humanity must integrate natural, social, and economic sciences for sustainable management to live healthily on Earth and ensure future generations thrive. I specialize in international standards such as ISO and emerging ESG methodologies. I have been involved in improving public and private companies’ management systems through training, consulting, and audits based on national laws, international standards, and policies related to ESG. Currently, I am working as the Regional Manager of TQCSI Australia in Melbourne, and also as the Regional Director in Mongolia, focusing on government policy projects. I hold a degree in Economics (Finance and Credit Management) from the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and a Master’s in Safety, Health, and Environmental Management from the University of South Wales, Cardiff, UK. I am also a PhD student in Public Administration at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. I am specialized in ISO standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 26000, ISO 37001, ISO 37301, ISO 37000, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 22000, ISO 37110, ISO 14019, and ISO 31000.
Хувь хүний хувьд, би тасралтгүй суралцагч 🙂
Аялах дуртай, хөгжим ба шатар сонирхдог. Сэтгэл зүй, астрологи, далд ухамсар ба сүнслэг хөгжлийн сэдвүүдийг сонирхдог. Йог, бясалгалд дуртай.
Хүний амь нас, эрүүл мэндийг хамгаалах, байгаль орчноо хамгаалах, ажил сайжруулах аргачлалуудыг түгээх нь “цагаан мөртэй” ажил байдаг.