ISO 14005 standard is named as ‘Environmental management systems — Guidelines for a flexible approach to phased implementation’.
This standard introduces terms related to environmental management and benefits of a flexible and phased approach to environmental management system (EMS). Moreover, context based planning, operation, and performance evaluation requirements are explained with additional referrals to ISO 14031 standard for environmental performance indicators.
The phased approach suggests a systematic and structured way of establishing and implementing EMS. It is effective when organizations define their current status based on their maturity level and develop the system from their starting point.
Each phase consists of the following six stages:
The Annexure A suggests to use a maturity matrix to assess the level of maturity of an organization’s existing EMS and to track the progress during implementation. The table as shown below enables an organization to assess the status and level of maturity of its EMS and is used to track improvements and to monitor the efficiency of financial or human resources used. An EMS satisfying maturity level 1 (column 1) through to full maturity at level 5 (column 5) meets the requirements for a particular clause of ISO 14001:2015.